I'll just start this post off with saying everyone has the right to raise their children how it suits them, to a point. Everyone has their own views on what is and isn't appropriate for ages.
Now let's get to it! The picture above makes a pretty clear statement. I agree with it. How many children have you seen raised and managed by there parents who haven't had some type of crazy breakdown later on down the road? You all remember Amanda Bynes recently, she went through the phase a little late but she went HARD!
Their have been plenty of kids managed by their parents and just lash out and go nuts because they think they are untouchable. Sometimes it's a cry for help, any attention is better than none. Some people do whatever to get some kind of recognition from a parent or just others period. Remember Bebier and the "Nigga Remix" ? Whether they are managed or not it all depends on what you instill in your children. Michelle Obama is a First Lady of the United States of America, she has some formality she has to uphold to. Regardless of her being a First Lady I do not believe she would let any of her children do the many of obsurd things Kris Jenner has let her 17 year old do. Lifestyle has a strong play in this situation. Times have changed and so have mind sets. I believe both mothers are close in age but it's obvious their thoughts are very far off. Kris Jenner lives in a faster new aged lifestyle, while the First Lady seems to stick more to her upbringing. The current "mood" for the USA is money. It's all about money and who or what looks good. People really aren't worried about how their personality and morals look to people. As long as you look good while you did it thats all that counts. Mentalities are not the golden ticket to the money factory, it's your face, the act you put on.
Can you honestly say that you look at Kylie Jenner and think 17 year old girl ? She wears things I didn't start wearing until recently. I'm 23 years old. She's dating a 25 year old man, although he acts like a boy he's still a 25 year old man. There is no way he's not trying or has not already had sex with her. He doesn't cross me as the type not to push the situation. He definitely doesn't cross me as the kind to wait either.
She's had multiple plastic surgeries that could have waited until she was older. I personally think Kris is too much of a friend and it has back fired on her. Watching episodes of the show here and there it's obvious the girl has some kind of resentment with her mother. Yes she makes her own money, yes she has her own businesses but she just graduated from high school. She is moving too fast. She is a teen who grew up in an adult setting, but still a teen.
Her mother spent too much time pimping I mean managing Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe to put real time into giving her somewhat of a childhood or even helping her build a mindset to see that some of what she's doing is too rushed. Most of her time is spent managing the things they do. Half of the advice I have heard her give isn't motherly, its something you would hear from a girlfriend. In a sense I think she lives through them. I think her being the baby as well has a lot to do with it as well but I just hope this Tyga episode is just that, an episode. Hopefully she doesn't do anything crazier than her Lip challenge.
Just because Malia was raised in the White House does not mean later on down the road she won't. It's not very feasible in my eyes but crazier things have happened.
Feel free to comment and share. I'm sure some will have input on this subject.
The Kardashians have a way of taking people out of character in their defense, which I found interesting.
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