Let's talk about this. I feel like mentalities and age have very different ideas when it comes to this subject. It usually gets touchy with boys, I say boys because I feel men wouldn't have this issue. I'll elaborate further on that later on lol.
iPhones are just the IT thing, any cellphone is the IT thing. I love mine because I have SO MANY things I can connect with right at the push of a button. Most keep a phone just incase of emergency but in past few years it's the MAIN source of communication. Most people my age (23) have no idea how to have a conversation via text. They rely on texting TOO much to express various things you really can't grasp through an 160 character bubble. Usually emotions.
What kills me is that everything is abbreviated, from "lol" to "wryd". Remember back in the day in all the 90s movies when guys used to call girls before 9 to spit their game or just make it known that " I'm feeling you girl" ? I wish it still happened that way. Regardless of a phone call or a text I honestly believe it has to do with a mindset.
Women are usually conversationalist whether shy or not. We know how to talk and what to talk about if you get us to the point of comfort. We like to get to KNOW WHO YOU ARE. With the opposite sex I feel a mindset comes deeper into play. Like I mentioned earlier there is a HUGE difference between boys and men. I've had my share of encounters with each, although at times some can be quite mature whether they are 18 or 27, they all still have that boyish side still in them.
With boys I noticed every conversation starts with either "hey sexy" "wassup" or my favorite "wryd". After a couple of bubbles the conversation is pretty much dead. The only thing that gets you fast answers and a long conversation is sex. Sex, sex, oh yea did I mention sex? You can ask a boy what he wants out of life, his goals for the month, or even what he ate for breakfast and it's the same result. One worded bubbles. If you aren't explaining how much you can rock his world he really doesn't remember too much of what you have talked about. He really doesn't remember much about you expect the important things like you're fine as hell, your booty eats up your sun dress, his homeboys think your fly, and the cherry on the cake....the fact that he thinks you're some top notch freak!
"Good Morning Beautiful" " How's your day going" " what do you have planned for the weekend". Every girls dream right? Oh how we dream ladies, how we dream. Sometimes we do get these messages and it's awesome, but how long do they last? What's the point of getting these messages if it leads to the same thing. Now take note previously I talked about what boys do but that's doesn't mean that when I say boy I mean 18 or 19. There are 27 year old boys out there too.
Regardless of age if someone is interested in you they will find other ways to do it beyond "wryd" or "hey sexy" text. They will call you on the phone or try to find some ways to meet up with you and see where your head is. They want to GET TO KNOW YOU too. Ladies what's the point of using these text messages if that's all you are going to do, TEXT !
Stop letting these guys give us basic conversation to get our non basic time. Let's stop answering to the "wryd" and "oh ok" texts because that's not how you build a relationship. That's not how you get to know a person. Yes, you can get the usual things like interest and daily hobbies but not a true feel. That's not how you get anything but a bootycall after the club. Pay attention to the signs. Guys same goes for you as well, I know there are some ladies out there as bad as your homies.
Texting should not court you. Expect more and receive more.
Hope to get some feedback on this post from all ages and both sexes. Thanks guys !
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